The first dermatological center specifically devoted to skin cancer

E-DERMA arises in response to the current need of specialized medical care for one of the cancers that has experienced the largest increase in incidence in recent decades.

Profesionales de E-DERMA


Established by Doctors Carlos Alonso and Gabriel Salerni, dermatologists with special attention to skin cancer

Dr. Gabriel Salerni, MD PhD

  • Doctor in Medicine (University of Barcelona, ​​Spain)
  • Dermatologist (National University of Rosario, Argentina)
  • Master in Research in Clinical Sciences (University of Barcelona, ​​Spain)
  • Research Fellow at the Melanoma Unit of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, ​​Spain (2007 - 2010)

Carlos Alonso, MD

  • Specialist in Internal Medicine (Medical Association 2nd district of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina)
  • Dermatologist (National University of Rosario, Argentina)
  • Dermatoscopy specialization in Melanoma Unit of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, ​​Spain (2006)


E-DERMA understand the need for comprehensive care in skin cancer, serving at different levels, from primary and secondary prevention to treatment and monitoring of patients with skin cancer. The services provided at E-Derma are:

  • Skin cancer risk assessment
  • Monitoring of patients with multiple nevi (digital dermoscopy)
  • Evaluation of individual lesions
  • Follow-up of patients diagnosed with skin cancer
  • Complementary studies
  • Study of susceptibility genes for skin cancer and genetic counseling
  • Distant evaluation of lesions (tele-dermoscopy)


In E-DERMA we have the most modern equipment for diagnosis of skin cancer and management of patients at risk for melanoma.

Medicam FotoFinder Leviacam

Dermoscopic diagnosis Network

DDR is a physician-physician telemedicine platform for remote evaluation of skin lesions. It is a modern tool for the evaluation of suspicious lesions without the need for initial transfer of the patient to specialized centers.

The consultation is generated online by means of a specific application. The referral physician adapts a dermatoscope specially designed for mobile phones and proceed to the record of dermoscopic images of the suspicious lesion. Then the images are sent to E-DERMA and the lesions are evaluated by dermatologists specialized in dermoscopy and skin cancer issuing a detailed report and a suggestion of conduct.

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Dermatoscopía Digital
Paraguay 1470
+ 54341-4498919 / 5493412477821

Instituto Médico Centro Balcarce

Dermatoscopía Digital
Balcarce 421
54-341 5309000
